Name of the Centre: Transforma Cuidamos Personas S.L.U
Year of foundation: 2002
Staff: 60 people
Manager: Ainhoa Zabalza Purroy
Coordination team: Edurne Arzelus, Edurne Calvillo, Odette Ongay and Juan Carlos Cubero.
Business model: non-profit.
Contact details
Address: Zapatería Street, number 150, 1C.
31001 Pamplona-Iruñea.
Telephone: 948 136 141
E-mail: transforma@gaztelan.org
Web: www.cuidamospersonas.es
Twitter: @CuidamosPersona
People are the centre of the company and we establish positive relationships of affection, understanding and solidarity with our users, clients, workers and collaborators.
We competently and efficiently carry out our activity, with a qualified team, using appropriate techniques and methodologies and good organization.
We recognize each person’s individuality, we encourage the development of their capacities in favour of their freedom and happiness and we avoid any discrimination based on gender, nationality, race or age.
We act in line with our mission and values in order to achieve the goals set and to meet, with rigour, the commitments made.
We work as a team and network within and outside the company, adding strength by creating teams of people and diverse organizations in search of common ends.
We are open to change and an organization that proactively adapts to the evolution of the environment, understanding the creation of new products and new ways of working as an essential element of transformation.
Economic sustainability
We understand economic profitability and financial solvency as a necessary means to last through time and to allow growth so that we can successfully fulfil our social goals.
Our goal is the human and social promotion. Profitability and economic profit are not objectives in themselves, but a means to meet our social goals with the greatest impact and quality possible, now and in the future.
Catalogue of services
Home care
Comprehensive care at home, carried out by qualified personnel, supporting and promoting the autonomy of people in basic and instrumental activities of daily life. This service includes personal care and hygiene, psychosocial support, prevention and mobilization, and domestic support.
Hospital support
Accompaniment during hospital admissions.
Domestic service
One-off cleaning and continuous household maintenance cleaning. Shopping and preparing meals and care of clothing (washing, ironing…). This service offers peace of mind to those who want to delegate household tasks to trusted professionals, and enjoy more and better-quality leisure time.

Pension Service
Retiree centres relate to services promoted by local administrations, available to population over 60 years of age and with mild or moderate dependence, offering activities to help them maintain an active ageing.
Transforma guides and advises the different local authorities about possibilities of the service in relation to the profile of the participants, schedules, intensity of service, type of activities to be carried out… and jointly a tailor-made Retirement Service is designed.
This service aims to reconcile the working, family and personal lives of women carers and families with elderly dependants, creating a leisure and activity space for people over 60 with mild or moderate dependence, always with the focus on mild or moderate dependence prevention and promoting active ageing. These are group activities aimed at improving their integration into the environment and functional autonomy and preventing cognitive and physical deterioration.