The center
Name of the Centre: Ultzama Farm School
Year of foundation: 2020
Staff: XX employees
Business model: non-profit.
Contact details
Contact person: Beatriz Ochotorena
Address: San Simón Street 54, 31799 Lizaso
Telephone: 629 126 499
About us
The Ultzama Farm School was created in 2013 as a non-profit and social interest entity by the Ultzama Foundation. In 2020 it becomes an integration enterprise which has among its objectives:
- Promote the labor and social integration of people at risk of social exclusion.
• Promote gender equality, helping women victims of gender violence.
• Promote sheltered employment for people with disabilities.
• Rescue and disseminate the customs, culture, way of life, methods of agriculture and livestock, and the ethnology in general of the Ultzama Valley.
• Spread the Slow Food movement, of which we are part, of good, clean and fair consumption.
• Promote organic farming in all its forms.
• Respect for the environment and achieve environmental sustainability.
• Promote cultural events.
• Promote ecology and permaculture.
Service catalogue
Basic Jobs
- Cleaning.
- Debris.
- Gardening.
- Forest maintenance.
- Management of areas.
- Sale of recycled plastic wood furniture.
- Instalation of recycled plastic wood fences.

Environmental educational tourism
- Educational leisure activities.
- Organization of camps.
- Active tourism and nature.
- Environmental education.
- Organization of cultural events.
- Manufacture of dairy products.
- Cooking and food courses.
- Slow Food dining room.
Cattle raising
- Attention to farm animals.
- Production and reproduction of livestock.
- Animal rescue.