Name of the Centre: Varazdin Empresa de Inserción Sociolaboral S.L.
Year of foundation: 1997
Staff: 60 people
Manager: Eduardo Jiménez Caro
Production manager: Ioseba Azcona
Social Department manager: Edurne Mugarra
Contact details
Address: Polígono de Noáin-Esquíroz. Calle H, nº 37, 31191 Esquíroz de Galar
Telephone: 948 312 813
Fax: 948 317 211
E-mail: varazdin@varazdin.es
Web: www.varazdin.es
To promote the socio-occupational integration of persons with functional diversity who are in a situation or at risk of social exclusion by training them through the development of productive activities.
To increase the employability of people following integration programmes through direct contact with the working reality.
Improving the autonomy of these people at both economic and personal levels. We want our organization to be a reference in the community of Navarra for its good practices, recognized for the high quality of the services provided to both external clients (companies, institutions, etc.) and resource users.
We facilitate the occupational integration of people with functional diversity subject to social exclusion through the development of productive activities in protected environments.
We want to actively involve society by promoting the socio-occupational integration of all people, thus collaborating with public institutions, social and private entities.
Our activity is aimed at promoting the environmental and social sustainability of the citizens by fostering a friendly relationship between the two promoting a new, more inclusive society.
Catalogue of services
Varazdin develops various productive activities and provides services to institutions, companies and individuals, creating safe gated communities or protected work units.
Automotive, metal, wind and food industry
We perform quality control and reprocessing of defective parts. Washing of industrial parts, containers, packaging, tank-type containers, etc. Operations logistics warehouse: picking, packing, labelling, order preparation, dispatch, etc., Regulator store for products, containers, packaging, and tools.

Construction Sector
Comprehensive housing and building reforms. We work all the trades: masonry, painting, plumbing, tiling, carpentry, etc…
Civil engineering work
Services Sector
Disassembly, packaging, transport and assembly of furniture.
Technical cleaning of garages, offices, industrial units and commercial premises.
Maintenance of facilities, residential areas and communities.
Cleaning of facades and windows with specific machines.
Multi-service assistant staff for the
work at the client’s home: quality controls, picking,
order preparation, administration, etc.
Comprehensive management of reusable cups and crockery: design, sale, transport, collection and washing for subsequent use.
Design, creation and maintenance of gardens and urban vegetable plots