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EINA Association supports the campaign “# RentaMínimaSí: put your prejudices in quarantine” and signs its adhesion to the manifesto.

The campaign “# RentaMínimaSí: put your prejudices in quarantine”, which takes place between May 13 and 21, aims to raise awareness of the need for a minimum income, which is a right for people in social vulnerability and economic they can live with dignity. The European Pillar of Social Rights defines minimum income as the adequate benefit that guarantees a decent life during all stages of life, as well as access to training goods and services to which anyone who does not have sufficient resources is entitled. . The State Minimum Income would benefit millions of people who, before the pandemic, were already in a situation of great precariousness, to which would be added those who, as a result of COVID-19, are now below the poverty line. The sole purpose of income is to eradicate poverty and social exclusion.

EINA decides to join this campaign by signing its adhesion to the manifesto as an entity that brings together companies that fight against poverty and social exclusion within the framework of Social Economy activities, since the current pandemic of COVID-19 has deepened the situation of social vulnerability and economic benefits of people at risk of social exclusion, and the Minimum Income is a complementary support to the work they are developing.

The campaign, promoted by the European Anti Poverty Network (EAPN), has the following main objectives, regarding the need for a Minimum Income at the state level:

• Inform, resolve doubts and eliminate prejudices about the need for minimum incomes in general and their beneficiaries, and specifically for a State Minimum Income as defended by EAPN.
• Explain why it is positive for society as a whole and for economic and social development.
• Reinforce positive messages, respect, rigor and alternative discourse, from the perspective of people in poverty and / or exclusion and social action entities.

The campaign manifesto is available for reading and to sign the adhesion to it on the following website: