The center
Name of the Center: Malerreka Common Zerbitzuak
Year of foundation: 2021
Staff: 6 employees.
Business model: non-profit.
Contact details
Contact person: Patxi Urroz
Address: Calle Mercaderes nº 29 1º, Santesteban 31740 Navarra
Telephone: 676 539 530 // 948035250
E-mail: malerrekacommonzerbitzuak@mcz.eus
Service catalogue
Our services and work areas are articulated around the opportunities of the circular economy, the management and maintenance of rural and urban spaces that require conservation and restoration, and the possibilities of generating
initiatives linked to the primary sector, the food system and the use of communal areas.
If you are a city council or local entity, by hiring our services you will comply with the Foral Law 2/2018 of Public Contracts that in its article 36 requires to reserve a minimum of 6% of the amount of the awards of the previous budget to contracts of a social nature.

Comprehensive cleaning, gardening and maintenance services for natural spaces, paths and facilities
We clean and maintain natural areas, green areas, eliminating weeds and bushes.
We clean and maintain rural roads and restore fences, stone walls and other elements of rural architecture.
We carry out all types of pruning and take care of your garden.
We clean pediments, municipal facilities, private homes, street furniture.
At MC_Z we offer you a whole range of services related to cleaning, repair, maintenance and gardening of natural spaces, roads, banks and gardens, streets, cemeteries, meadows, walls, orchards… We also provide cleaning services for homes, premises, sports facilities , swimming pools, etc.
- Cleaning, clearing, maintenance and recovery of
natural areas and spaces, greenways and heritage
rural architectural. - Cleaning, clearing and pruning of roads and banks.
- Cleaning of cemeteries and pediments.
- Maintenance and recovery of signals.
- Installation, cleaning and maintenance of urban furniture.
- Other general services.
- Comprehensive maintenance of interior gardening
and exterior and green areas. - Irrigation control.
- Clearing and cleaning work.
- General repair services.
- Preparation and maintenance of gardens and orchards.
- Specific cleaning, pruning and cutting of hedges.
- Cleaning and general maintenance of houses and kitchens.
- Cleaning of lofts and rails.
- Clothes washing services.

MC_Z has also identified 5 main lines of work that are structured in a complementary way and that we have planned to implement in a phased manner, based on the design of specific projects:
Social garden and food processor as a space for the production and transformation of food, short-circuit marketing and promotion of employment through the social economy.
- Social and community kitchen:
food delivery with organic products
and proximity for the elderly and
people with autonomy difficulties. - Collection and recovery of sheep’s wool
latxa. - Recovery and valorization of chestnut trees and
chestnut trees and restoration and maintenance
of degraded areas (meadows, ferns,
grasslands …) - Collection, treatment and recovery of
other waste: organic, no plastics
containers, oils…
- Beintza-Labaien City Council: Repair and replacement of wooden railings. Placing “Helpbidea” signage throughout the municipal area.
- Uraren Bailarak: Cleaning and clearing of 30 km of the Bidasoa Greenway from Doneztebe-Santesteban to Endarlatza.
- Doneztebe-Santesteban City Council: Gardening.
Garden in single-family homes: Cleaning and adaptation of private gardens. - Bunkers: Cleaning and conditioning of various bunkers in the region.
- WoWPark of Urrugne: 18 hectares of forest and botanical garden. Preparation of the botanical garden for opening to the public: General cleaning of the gardens, cutting grass and hedges, removal of fallen trees.
About Us
Malerreka Common Zerbitzuak is a Malerreka micro-cooperative in support of people at risk of social exclusion in the Bidasoa Region to accompany them in their social and labor incorporation. We are governed by the principles of a new fair, supportive and green economy, putting people in
We are in Elgorriaga, in the Malerreka valley. Our main work radius is in the Bidasoa region, the north of Navarra, Gipuzkoa and Lapurdi.
We work to address the double problem that exists in our environment: the social and labor incorporation of people at risk of exclusion and the
generation of new economies through the management of local resources.
We do it from the rural environment, from our town, in collaboration with other rural companies to offer quality services that respond to the demand of town councils, local entities, companies and individuals.
We work in collaboration with long-established companies specialized in sustainable garden design or in road maintenance work and
excavations. We also cooperate with economic, social and educational entities.
And we look further. We are firmly convinced that an ecological transition and the implementation of the fundamentals of the circular economy are necessary to advance economic, social and environmental sustainability.